Frequently Asked Questions


First time jumpers are securely harnessed to a United States Parachute Association (USPA) certified Tandem Skydive Instructor. Our instructors have thousands of Tandem skydives and have an excellent safety record. See more FAQs below.

We provide everything from pre-jump instruction, all needed equipment and skydive goggles. Tandem Skydiving allows most people to experience terminal velocity and the sensation of flight under a high performance parachute. To freefall over a mile securely tethered to a USPA-certified instructor is the safest way to experience skydiving today. We offer the best skydiving available in Florida. No Training No experience required.

Dress comfortable in layered outdoor clothing . Soft soled shoes or sneakers are preferable. Please no boots or sandals. Eat lightly, drink plenty of water. Dramamine is great for motion sickness. Hat jewelry wigs will never be seen again. See more FAQs below.

Skydiving is an extreme sport that requires many factors to be in place to be safe.

It is not uncommon to make more than one attempt at scheduling your jump. Many factors can delay or cancel jumps for the day including weather, airport delays, aircraft maintenance, instructor availability and other factors have delayed skydive operations. Skydiving is an extreme sport, be patient, plan ahead. Please call customer service with questions or concerns. 

It generally takes 1-2 hours to complete your first Tandem jump.
Remember to be flexible, plan to check-in for your skydive 15-30 minutes prior to your appointment time. At that time you will be given your actual jump time. in most cases you will be on the aircraft within 30 min. to an hour after arrival. Please allow 4 hours to complete your skydive. Florida has pretty unpredictable weather, so unexpected delays are not unusual.

235 lbs. max weight*.

Certain body types less than the max. weight still may not fit safely into the skydive equipment. If you weigh over 200 lbs. you must be at 68 inches  tall. If you have concerns please speak with customer service for more information. A pre-fitting session may be required.

*fees may apply, see price page for details.

We fly 2 Tandem passengers at a time in the aircraft. You and a mate will fly to altitude together. The question is “Who goes First?

The two of you and your skydive instructors will fly to altitude in about 15-20 minutes. The Florida beach is a skydiver’s dream. Enjoy the view and relax.

The door opens above 12,000′ – Relax!

Your instructor will give you simple instructions and jump with you out the door. Freefall will last about 35-45 seconds at speeds over 125 miles per hour.

The feeling of speed and adrenaline ends as fast as it started, then suddenly you feel the wind stop and peacefully float down from 5000′. A 360 view from 5,000 feet is like no other human experience Your parachute ride lasts about 5-7 minutes. Groups will be able to view and photograph their friends and family from the skydive spectator area.

Skydive Amelia Island | FAQ’s

when can you skydive?

We offer multiple jump times through out the day on weekends.